Important Warning: Fraudulent Website

We would like to urgently warn all visitors to our website about the fraudulent platform "VaultyMint". This website has nothing to do with legitimate coin trading and represents a significant financial risk.

Important Warning: Fraudulent Website

We would like to urgently warn all visitors to our website about the fraudulent platform "VaultyMint". This website has nothing to do with legitimate coin trading and represents a significant financial risk.

Please note the following points:

  1. Do not deposit funds: Under no circumstances should you deposit funds on this platform. Any transactions may result in a complete loss of your funds.

  2. Do not provide personal information: Do not provide personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers or financial information. These could be misused.

  3. Don't trust: Don't be fooled by supposedly attractive offers or promises of high profits. These are only designed to cheat you.

  4. Be careful when communicating: If you have already communicated with this platform, be especially cautious with further contacts. Scammers may try to obtain your money or data through other means.

Act responsibly and protect yourself from fraud. If you have already been a victim of fraud through this platform, we recommend that you take legal action immediately and report the incident to the relevant authorities.

If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Stay safe, European Institute for Investment Certification (EIIC)